“MUZZY is a cultural bridge with his heritage,” Nicholas' father Alex told us. For 3-year-old Nicholas, MUZZY is both a language experience and a cultural connection.
Rebecca is beginning to speak French and takes her MUZZY doll everywhere. “Muzzy is so beneficial. I’m telling everyone about the benefits of early learning,” says Rebecca's mother, Stacy.
A family trip to Guatemala : Terri and Luis with sons Daniel (16), Ben (14) and Andy (3). “It was important when we took the children to Guatemala that they be able to speak to Luis’ family and grandmother, who speak little or no English. And they did,” says Terri.
“Sydney’s language explosion started with Muzzy,” reports her mom Kathleen. Sydney got MUZZY as a toddler and began speaking to her parents in French three months later.
Katherine began MUZZY with Mrs. T. in fourth grade. Now in college, Katherine, one of Mrs. T's first MUZZY students, told us, “[MUZZY] set a great foundation for my career.”
5½-year-old Mikala “is not even aware that she is speaking a foreign language. She thinks she is playing,” says her mother. “I’m amazed at what she’s picked up on without having to work at it!”
A Fulbright Scholar uses MUZZY with his own students! “Everything I learned, I learned from Muzzy,” says C.J., a MUZZY alumnus and Fulbright Scholar now teaching German and Spanish in Texas.
“This was the moment to introduce a second language,” Mac's mom told Growing Minds. The 2½-year-old Mac especially loves singing the Spanish songs.
"Alex started using MUZZY soon after he was diagnosed with autism," writes Alex’s mom Jan. The story line and lively music held Alex’s attention better than other educational videos his parents had tried.
“The MUZZY Program does the work itself. We’re just the icing on the cake,” says Carilynn. PTA treasurer who spearheaded an elementary school foreign language program built on MUZZY’s unique design and methodology.
“MUZZY has subtly but indelibly left its mark on him,” Connor's father William tells us. His parents are now using MUZZY with Connor's little brother, Finn, too!
“As a trainer of teachers I've found that MUZZY is a great conversation starter, even for children and adults with limited language experience,” reports David, a Peace Corps volunteer in Azerbaijan who teaches English to 5th-11th graders and trains teachers to teach English.
“MUZZY is the first thing Curran asks for in the morning,” says his mother. Curran took to MUZZY instantly and his parents are thrilled.
“I know my French helped me get the job,” Debbie told Growing Minds. Debbie’s parents introduced MUZZY French to her in childhood. At Harvard, her language skills helped her secure a summer job as editor of a travel guide. Upon graduation, she landed a job with an international company.
“Our MUZZY kids are far more successful and heads above students arriving here who didn’t have MUZZY!” Foreign language chair and Spanish teacher Stephanie W. and French teacher Veronique S. on their students at the prestigious Pendleton School and IMG Academies in Bradenton, FL.
“When the lyrics are in Spanish, you remember the words forever,” says Emily, first generation of MUZZY alumnus. Emily, who speaks French and Spanish, graduated from Brown University.
“You learn it without working at it!” says Benjamin's father. MUZZY made learning Chinese fun for Benjamin, age 6.
“We love it!”says Xiaoning, the mother of 8-year-old Simon.
Joey said “Mootsie” before he said “Mama” reports Joey's father Pat. Amanda and Joey, at 3½ and 1½, are already speaking Italian, thanks to MUZZY.
“The way MUZZY teaches is different. It's more like a game than just teaching, and that makes it more fun for kids. ” The father of 5-year-old Lara adds, “I think children learn about friendship, as well, from MUZZY.”
“MUZZY gave our kids a great head start,” says the mother of twins. After just eight weeks with MUZZY, twins Ruby and Madeleine (now 3 ½) surprised the entire family by suddenly speaking in Spanish.
“I don’t think she’s aware that she’s even learning another language. It’s just such a natural part of what she does. I am convinced that my daughter will be a fluent Spanish speaker,” says the mother of Jaiden, age 3. “That’s something I wish I’d been able to do.”
"We're really thrilled to bits" about Rose and Leona learning Italian. "When we went to Italy and Rose was visiting with my husband's family and friends, a child who, of course, spoke nothing but Italian spoke often to Rose, and Rose was completely comfortable," says the mother of Rose (5) and Leona (3).
"MUZZY gives us a guilt-free way to let the kids watch TV." "My wife was picking up Luke and Caleb at pre-school and Luke's teacher asked if we were doing anything special this weekend," recalls their father. "My abuela y abuelo are coming to visit and stay at mi casa!" then-4-year-old Luke announced.
“The children have received a superb foundation in basic French from MUZZY,” says the mother of Emily and Joshua. Emily and Joshua started MUZZY French at 5 and 3, respectively, and their parents see the difference it’s made in their learning.
“We live in a global world where we cannot expect to speak only one language. I think Muzzy is the program to use!” Ernestina M. teaches Italian at The American School of London, and was recently knighted by the Italian Government for her role in promoting Italian language and culture abroad. She developed standards for primary school assessment tools on the committee implementing the UK language mandate to introduce languages in primary school by 2010.